Cohort 2023: Planboo

Planboo is a carbon removal company that connects agriculture landowners with the technology to extract carbon from the atmosphere via pyrolysis (creating biochar), sharing the revenue of certified carbon removal credits with the landowners.
The Problem
There is an increasing need to invest in carbon removal projects to keep CO2 levels in the atmosphere in a safe operating space. The tropics, where biomass grows quickest, has the highest potential for nature based carbon removal – but projects from here have not been able to scale enough to meet the increasing demand of the carbon market. A lack of trust that these projects meet the requirements for high quality carbon removal is part of the problem of the lack of confident investment.
The Solution
Planboo’s tracking (MRVIN) technology enables tropical biochar projects to meet the rapidly growing demand of the carbon market by generating high quality carbon removal credits at scale.
Planboo’s Impact
After years of developing our methodology and technology in tropical regions, we’ve not only removed carbon but gained invaluable experience. Our diverse knowledge allows us to scale our biochar CDR solution effectively reaching resilient, equitable gigatonnes. – Marc Hernandez Folguera CTO & Co-founder
Why we invested
Reducing GHG emissions is not sufficient to combat climate change, humanity needs to find scalable and cost effective ways to sequester carbon from the atmosphere, and certain nature based solutions meet that criteria. Planboo technology alongside biochar is able to unlock billions of tonnes of carbon removal, whilst improving soil health, the atmosphere and livelihoods, by allowing for farmers to increase their incomes by processing biomass, utilizing the biochar to enrich their soil and production, and monetise it via carbon credits, reliably accounted for via Planboo’s solution.
In addition to the direct impacts of biochar production and utilization, the quality and reliability of Planboo’s carbon credits bring value to the voluntary marketplace, and all of this is very exciting.
Join Planboo at Katapult Climate’s Investor Day. Sign up here!