Cohort 2023: Mocean


Mocean Energy is leading the charge for ocean wave energy adoption with its durable, scalable wave energy converter, designed to be deployed as a supplement for offshore energy projects, as well as serve as a standalone energy resource for island communities and other remote customers.

The Problem 

Getting power to technology in the middle of the sea is difficult and expensive. And many islands and coastal communities still rely on fossil fuels, because existing renewables cannot meet all of their decarbonisation needs.

The Solution 

Mocean’s small-scale wave energy solution, Blue Star, provides reliable power to offshore technology projects. And our large-scale device, Blue Horizon, helps provide clean power and jobs to island and coastal communities where wind and solar can meet their needs.

Mocean’s Impact

“Mocean have built an amazing wave energy prototype that has over a year of at-sea test time, is supported by significant customer funding. This is the jumping off point towards saving hundreds of thousands of tonnes of CO2 in offshore projects, island power and beyond! –”

Cameron McNatt, Managing Director

Why we invested

Wave energy is still a young industry with much to prove, but Mocean has shown in a relatively short amount of time that they have potential to bring this technology into the mainstream. It is certainly needed too, as achieving the world’s net zero targets will not be possible without the inclusion of other renewable energy sources beyond solar and wind. To meet this gap, Mocean has developed a durable wave energy converter that can be scaled from kW to MW applications, and that, with a proprietary generator design, can produce consistent power at relatively low cost, making it viable for use in unison with other offshore energy sources.

Meet Mocean at Katapult Ocean Investor Day on 5th December 2023. Sign up here.

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